57 cm wide,Semi-flexible protective top shield57 cm wide,Semi-flexible protective top shield

57 cm wide top shields

312/DS/3.32, 312/DS/3.33, 312/DS/3.115, 312/DS/3.32/3

57 cm wide, semi-flexible top shields. 

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57 cm wide top shields are manufactured using the same 0.5 mm Pb protective material as the suspended curtains of the main shield. They include a flexible plastic material that enables them to stand 25 cm above the tableside rail and provide additional higher and wider protection to the user. Their unique shape (wider at the top) ensures that no gaps develop as the adjacent tops are pushed toward the patient during procedures. For compatibility please download the data sheet.

  • 312/DS/3.32 – Lift-off
  • 57 cm wide top shields, semi-flexible lift-off 
  • Top shields simply slot into docking holes and can be removed in an instant.
  • Can be stored on a wall rack when not required (available separately).
  • 312/DS/3.33 – fold-down (removable but not lift-off)
  • 57 cm wide, semi-flexible fold-down top shield that is secured and cannot be instantly removed.
  • Not compatible with wall or mobile racks.
  • 312/DS/3.115 – Lift-off / fold-down
  • 57 cm wide, semi-flexible lift-off or fold-down top shield with a collision-resistant link.
  • Top shields simply slot into docking holes and can be removed in an instant or folded down to quickly to gain access.
  • Can be stored on a wall rack when not required (available separately).
  • 312/DS/3.32/3 – Lift-off (collision)
  • 57 cm wide, semi-flexible lift-off top shield with a collision-resistant link.
  • Flexible top shields simply slot into docking holes and can be removed in an instant.
  • Can be stored on a wall or mobile rack when not in use (available separately).
  • Compatible with models 312/DS-039/2, 312/DS-039/5 & 312/DS-041/5, 312/E-013* & 312/E-023*.

*312/E-013 & 312/E-023 models manufactured after September 2023 use 312/DS/3.115.